Scarpino is a new Italian restaurant is opening at the intersection of Penn Avenue and 10th Street Downtown, across the street from the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in the former Ten Penny space ― you know, right where the bus fell into the street last year. (See the red awning in the background?)

We were familiar working with TenPenny previously when we helped transform the space into the Toronto skyline about a year and a half ago.
To help transform the previous space into the Italian restaurant, we were hired to provide the exterior with window, awning and door graphics as well as custom dimensional LED lit letters for their main sign.

Behind the scenes, we are continually evolving in the direction our clients need us to. New to our capabilities as of this year (2020) is our ability to provide custom LED exterior signage.

These custom dimensional letters were installed to complete the new exterior sign for Scarpino By Scott Walton. Three separate sets of LED halo lit letters were used for each side of the sign.

Chef Scott Walton teamed up with Ampd Group to turn the former Ten Penny space into Scarpino’s. The new made-from-scratch Italian restaurant is opened now in downtown Pittsburgh.
If interested in a custom project for your business, email or slide into our DMs on any of the platforms where you find us!